Yoga Meditation Workshop - Make Holistic Health

Lonavala, Maharashtra, India,410403

Yogic tenets are drawn from ancient Indian texts such as Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Hatha Pradipika, and Simha Samhita lay the foundation for this unique workshop on meditation and healing. Under the guidance of Prof. R S Bhogal, participants will learn how to achieve the individual meditative state in a gradual simple-to-complex manner. This traditional method to learn and practice meditation towards holistic health is being practiced in India since ancient times, healing people from chronic illnesses and psychosomatic disorders, relieving them from day-to-day pain and stress, and leading them towards a life filled with inner peace and harmony. The workshop will cover: - Stress Management Lessons - A sure way to help heal one out of chronic and psychosomatic disorders - Evolving one’s own pure Self towards inner deep peace & harmony. During the workshop, participants will be learning the aspects of breathing and how it is essential in achieving states of awareness, relaxation, physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. They will discover how speaking specific mantras reach the unconscious mind, opening up and activating energies that have the power to improve and transform lives. Benefits of the Workshop: One can experience a holistic transformation in his life. One will understand that relief from specific physical and mental disorders – e.g. diabetes or depression, migraines or mood swings, tiredness, or hypertension – can be achieved through meditation and a holistic approach to one's health. Moreover, one will be enriched by the knowledge that traditional meditation techniques are trusted, non-intrusive ways of healing one’s inner self.

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