How websites and you can play a great role in saving Buddhist monuments

The man’s connection to monuments is as eternal as the life itself. It portrays the value through which we have been living and aging across different centuries and eras.

Same is the case with Buddhist monuments. But, these are in grave danger now. So what can we do to save them? As we speak, many websites are already participating in the showdown of progressing toward doing their best for saving these precious monuments and temples.

Buddhism-centered websites are catered towards promoting each and every aspect of Buddhism, their importance in today’s world, the magnitude of Buddhism culture and various spots where these monuments need to be preserved. But, these websites are taking it to another level for they are involved in doing something we haven’t thought of before. They give us a chance to express our gratitude and knowledge about monuments and let the world realize the eminence of the Buddhist monuments. Let's see how.

Write about your experience

Let’s get into some brainstorming first. Can you reevaluate how many times you have visited a place without anyone’s suggestion? Recall the last place you visited without actually talking to a friend about it who have visited the same place. You might feel short of instances here. When someone shares his or her great experience of a place, we get a sentimental feeling of sharing the same enjoyment and delightfulness. This is true for most of the cases as we do make it a point to visit a monument, a famous tourist spot or a destination once we hear it from someone’s word of mouth about it.

Now think about it-how good it would be for people to hear about Buddhist monuments from your experience?

This is a great way through which you can tell your experience to others and motivate them to visit the same temple, a historical Buddhist spot or any other place of relevance. For instance, you may ask everyone to immerse in the serenity of Mahabodhi temple, you may ask people to live the ancient Buddha lessons under the Bodhi tree, you may ask readers to travel far and realize how beautiful those paintings and artwork in Ajanta caves are. And much more.

Write only what you see

Sharing your experience doesn’t mean you brag about things. If you wish others to know the depth of the ocean, you should learn swimming first. Akin to this, you should share only what you feel and what you see. If you skip visiting a part of the temple, there is no need to talk about it. When you write on Buddhist websites, you need to be true from the bottom of your heart. This will help people gain an element of trust on your part and they will be able to correlate to you in a better way. Afterall they will realize the same thing you did on visiting the same place. They won’t have to wander finding things that never existed.

How will it help?

No one knows the beauty of a spot until he has heard or realized that it even exists. When you share your experience about Buddhist monuments in the world, you are actually spreading the word about these holy places. Also, since you are taking a deep tour of these places, you will be able to look at the conservation aspect of them from deep down under and you can convey it better than others

You may be able to talk more about protecting the place and different ways to do it. This may include, but not limited to points like educating the community, adopting initiatives related to monuments, donations, restoration and chemical treatments, the historical importance of the monuments, addressing future generation, saving from pollution, keeping factories away from the monuments and much more.

How to start

Sharing experience and knowledge are one of the easiest and wiser things you can do in your life. Imagine how does it bring a smile on your face when you hear about a temple that was made hundreds of years ago? Visualize how good you felt when you share your first solo trip experience with your family.

Yes, sharing does works wonder and the best part, it does not cost anything. You can start partaking your experience by simply logging into our website. You may create an account in simple few steps and start posting. In fact, if you write more, you might get more followers who shall look to read your next sets of writing. This way, you may be able to increase a community about Buddhist monuments and help the websites do a great benefit towards the saving of such historical spots. 

If you cant write

If you do not have the knack for writing, you can still help these websites. You can do it by sharing the blog or topic of your choice on the website further with your friends, people, users and family members. You can share the posts or information on different websites or social media platforms and ask them to share their views on the subject and then share it further. In this manner, you are contributing without having to write.  

On a concluding note

Lastly, you are always welcome to share your feedback about our website. Our portal might be good, but not perfect and everything has a room for improvement. Hence, with your feedback, our website can improve and even get better. If you wish to have something specific changed, a statistic or a fact or anything, you should mail us about it. In the end, it’s all about being courageously active and volunteer for a better cause i.e. saving our last precious remains of history and that of Buddhist culture.

As Buddha said, like treasures are uncovered from the earth, wisdom appears from a pure, peaceful and hardworking heart.  To walk safely, one needs the wisdom light and virtue of guidance.
