Nearest Airport : Nagpur
Nearest Bus Station : Pauni, Bhandara
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Country Residence INR
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Approximate Time to Explore the Place : Select hours:Select Minutes
Useful Language: English, Hindi, Marathi
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Construction History :
Restoration History :
Historical Importance of Monument : Pauni Ancient Buddhist Stupa Situated in village Chandkapur, Grampanchayat Bhojapur, Tah. Pavani District Bhandar state Maharashtra, India. It is 82 Kilometes from Nagpur. Asokan Inscription found at Devtek which is 20 kilometer from Pavani. According to indication of Inscription, Pavani territory of Vidarbha lay under Mauryan Empire rulers and also Emperor Ashoka personally visited to Pavani and appointed to women as a Dhammamahamatras namely Rupiamma. Pavani was centrally established international trade root and link between the North and the south India. According to Archaeological survey of India record the Buddha bone relics unearthed at Pavani. Hardolala Stupa The local people called Hardolala Stuap and there is Buddha relics, situated to the north-east from 2 kilometer of main Stupa of Pavani near fort lake site. Hardolala Stupa height is 7 meters and basal diameter 29.7 meters in agricultural field around stupa.
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Approximate Number of Visitors/Year:
Unique experience :Pauni Stupa, Hardolala Stupa
Heritage Status
Heritage Status :NA
Why Not Endangered :yes
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